

I was introduced to this website last year when asked to lead a multiplication study group for some fourth graders at my school.  We started off using paper flash cards and I saw some success because the students enjoyed competing against one another to see who could shout out the answer first.  As some of the students in my group progressed, I had a few who still struggled with the beginning facts (2s, 3s, & 4s).  I needed something that would allow me to still track my students' progress but would also be individualized.  One of the fourth grade teachers suggested that I try multiplication.com.  This website was a lifesaver for me and my multiplication study group.  It allowed my students who were learning their facts quickly to move ahead while I worked more with the students who were still struggling.  When you first visit the website it looks a little confusing, so I am going to give a quick overview of the features available: 

1.  Quick Flash Flash Cards:  These flash cards are listed in the Games section.  I like to start students off using these (or the Fun Flash Cards which are much easier).  The Quick Flash cards allow students to go through each set of facts 5 times before moving to the next set.  They have an allotted time to answer each question.  If they answer the question incorrectly (or don't answer it quickly enough) the card will turn red.  This could be played alone or in pairs. 

2.  Quizzes and Tests:  After students have had time to familiarize themselves with the fact families (and hopefully spend some time studying at home), I give them a pre-test.  This is available in the quizzes and tests section.  There are also post tests along with tests for each fact family in this section.  I usually have them work on one or two fact families at a time.  For instance, I would have students start with 0s & 1s.  They would use flash cards to learns these fact families and then take a pre-test.  This lets me know how much more work they need to do with these particular families.  If they master the pre-test they can move on to the next family.  If they do not, then they move to step 3.  

3.  Games:  This is really the best part of the website.  The kids love it and so do I!  There are so many games to choose from.  What I like about the games is you work with a fact family or group of fact families.  In the beginning I have students work with individual fact families, but as they progress, I have them work with groups of fact families to better learn the material.  Some of the games are multiple choice, which is helpful for students who are still struggling with their facts. 

4.  Once I see that students have mastered a particular fact family within the games section, I have them go back to the Quizzes and Tests section to take the post test.  If they successfully pass the post test, they can then move on the the next fact family.  When students have reached their 5s, I have them take a post test combining facts 0-5. I also do this when students reach their 10s with a post test testing facts 0-10.  This shows me whether they are retaining the information from previous fact families. 


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