

As a Harry Potter fan, I was very excited to hear J.K. Rowling's announcement about Pottermore.com.   Pottermore is being created to foster an online experience centered around the Harry Potter stories.  Readers will be able to purchase audio books from the site and also be able to purchase Harry Potter eBooks for the first time.  The eBooks will be exclusive to Pottermore.  In her press release, Rowling suggests that Pottermore will be a place for readers to share and rediscover the Harry Potter stories.  She also states that she will be active on the site, sharing information about the world of Harry Potter that has yet to be shared.  Pottermore will be open to users in October 2011.  I am looking forward to seeing how Pottermore might be used to engage kids who may have been reluctant to pick up these fantastic stories before.  

Here is Rowling's Press Release:  


Anonymous said...

I'm going to share your site with my family. We are Harry Potter fans. We will be at the opening of Harry Potter next Friday. What about you?

Erienne said...

I will definitely be at the opening. I will be vacationing in Charleston, so I am hoping to see it in 3D at the IMAX theater there.

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